Hawai'i has an unparalleled climate and phenomenal natural beauty when your allowed to see it. Yes, it does rain a lot in parts of Hawai'i but I am not referring to the visibility. The unique culture here has evolved to push away outsiders even though the primary economy is tourism. The American model of society is bent in Hawai'i, Polynesia meets law firm and real estate tycoon. hmmm? lovely. American culture is largely killing the Aloha spirit.

Christopher and me.

I have never seen as many No Trespassing and Closed signs as I have seen in Hawai'i. Many natives are highly territorial and the state is afraid of being sued. It is not uncommon for people to go missing in Kaua'i, the land is fertile and substances of all sorts grow really well. As for the state, their solution for natural hazards is to just make sure that people stay out of areas entirely. If there is a cliff, there might be rockfall-don't go near it. If there is a tidal pool, don't go near it, you might drowned. I hiked the very popular Napal'i Coast which sports a permanent closed sign at the start of what is one of the most popular hikes in the state. This was my fourth visit to Hawaii and I can fully understand why many people only live here for short periods of time. Six weeks this year was enough for me. Hawai'i is a stunning place but I have felt more unwelcome and fearful for my life here than anywhere else I have ever been. I will be back though to visit the nephews and enjoy the beach, sun and food.

My Sis and boy Ethan.

My Brother n Law Brian and Boy

Photo By Eric

Photo By Eric

Secret Beach, Kaua'i

Barking Sands Mistle Range, Kaua'i. Where this was going...???

Na'Pali Coast, Kaua'i

Kalalau Beach

Pali, on the Na Pali.